Note about Reception: **Bring Your Own Lawn Chair**
Note about Reception: **Bring Your Own Lawn Chair**
Lee & Elisabeth met at Church at The Gate around April of 2021.
August of 2021 they platonically took a friend's dog for a walk starting their casual spending time together.
Lee was very willing to offer to go for walks moving forward, to the point Elisabeth's mom mention how she had slimmed down which Elisabeth's reply was "all the walks I am taking with this guy!". Elisabeth was not yet won over.
In February 2022 Lee asked Elisabeth if she would attend his work's year end celebration. She accept the invite which was kinda a big deal. Lee was starting, as he says to "break through Elisabeth hard crust" at this point. In March ish they began dating.
November 29th, 2024 Lee and Elisabeth drove to Pierre South Dakota with the plan to see the Christmas at the Capital. Lee had more than that planned. Elisabeth could tell Lee was a man with a plan! but she didn't let on. Outside, near the lake, in the cold, Lee asked Elisabeth to marry him, presenting a Turquoise ring.....of which she clearly accepted!!
Now they are inviting you to their wedding June 14th, 5pm 2025 at Church at the Gate.
Future Address for the couple
Lee Weisenburger
Elisabeth Olsen
1315 S Summit Ave
Sioux Falls SD 57105